
Zeebi Zoo was designed to help middle school students learn basic scientific inquiry and critical thinking skills by guiding Zeebis through mazes. Each Zeebi has different traits that players must deduce in order to solve the puzzles. It features 15 levels and an in-game level-editor so that players can design their own levels and share them with their friends and classmates.

It was built in one weekend from for the Global Game Jam 2013, and won runner-up for Best Online Game at MassDigi 2013 as well as runner-up for Best Educational Game at MassDigi 2014.


The GGJ team incorporated as PB&Games and partnered with the MassDigi Summer Innovation program to further development on the game.

We also began development on a digital storybook platform to bring a wide variety of interactive educational content to iPads and other tablets.

PB&Games closed in 2017.


The Radix Endeavor